Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's Official!!

Well, it's official. Josh got his letter from St. Georges University in Grenada and he was accepted! Yes, you can feel the sigh of relief. After much blood, sweat, and tears, mostly from me and the kids, Josh worked his way to a 3.77 GPA in the Charter Foundation Program at SGU. I do believe there were some prayers in there as well and we thank you all for that!

Now starts the process of packing or selling all of our belongings and selling the house.....I've never been so stressed out in all my life! Not only do I have to do this at home, but I have to do it at school to.

School: RCHS has been my home for 9 years. I love this school, this job, my students; it's so much a part of me. I turned in my resignation this week and I know it won't sink in that I am not returning to good ol' C244 until August when we fly away. Right now it just seems like another summer break that I am thankful for. As I go through all of my stuff, I think, "wow, why do I still have TAKS scores from 2006?" and "why do I hoard pencils and paperclips?". Apparently I also have a very serious addiction to Calculus books since I found 6 of the same book with my name in it. I keep procrastinating the inevitable because I don't want to leave. I love it here, the students and teachers alike. I work with a great group of teachers and an incredible group of like-minded math nerds known as "the math department". And for some reason I have the words to "Closing Time" by Semisonic running through my head today.

A Cake From the Math Team

Home: This is the home that Josh and I made. We bought it shortly after we got married, all 3 kids came home on their first day to this house, and I don't want to leave. Plus, if you've been to our house you know: we have a lot of stuff. A lot. I mean, really. Now I have to look at everything and think, "is it worth it to keep this in storage for 2 bad do I like it....I mean, do I LOVE it?"

Since I will have a considerable amount of  free time on my hands soon, I thought I should start this blog as a way to keep all of our friends and family informed of our new adventures. Please keep in mind I am a math person at heart and not the fluid linguist. I want to keep the "cheese" out of it too, but like I said, I'm a math teacher and some cheesiness might slip in by nature. 

So here we go, on our big adventure! 


  1. Can't wait to read about all of your adventures! You will be truly missed at the high school next year!

  2. Thanks Jana! I'll miss you guys so much!!
