Take a military shower and wash one dish at a time, turning off the faucet between each and every dish, to conserve water in our cistern.
Why? Because there is a water shortage in the dry season and the government is not providing us with water between the hours of 5am and 8 pm. And knowing my luck, the cistern would run dry this year and I'd hear, "oh that's NEVER happened before".
On this Earth Day I shall:
Cook in my Crock Pot and use my electric skillet.
Why? Because propane is expensive and a huge pain to deal with ordering more. Plus, it's so freakin' hot in here and cooking with fire indoors makes it hot hot hotter!
On this Earth Day I shall:
Recycle my plastic containers to hold extra water in case we run out. Recycle old cracker boxes to help organize our clutter.
Why? Because all the cute and cheap organizing tools you find in Target and Walmart are not so cute or cheap on an island.
On this Earth Day I shall:
Watch my shower water and laundry water wash out to the ditch beside our house.
Ok, this one is not so "Earth friendly", but it's the way it is here. I cannot imagine that it is remotely good for the environment. So when other SO's ask, "why don't we have recycling in Grenada?", I have to laugh. They don't have proper plumbing, so I'm not surprised that they don't worry about plastic vs. paper. I do wonder where all the trash goes though....hmmmm?
And finally, on this Earth Day I shall:
Cook with heart-healthy margarine.
Why? Because there hasn't been butter on this rock in weeks!! Again, not Earth friendly, but still, the truth.
So while it might be the "cool" thing to do in the states, in Grenada, you are forced to "go green" whether you like it or not. It does hurt to throw away so many bottles and boxes. Especially when Josh and I would drive 20 miles to bring our recycling in before Fate had their own recycling program.
But this is life in Grenada....at least there's water at the pool, right?
Happy Earth Day Everyone!! ~~ Tarryn~~